Start small, to grow big!

Aalya from Amran started achieving her dream from home. She had her own small clinic at home, with very limited pateints to serve. She used to have challenges in managing patients. After the WBOT training, Aalya became more determine to help more women, and to make her own dream even bigger. She was a leader of her own, and was able to manage her business better. She borrowed money and rented a small place on the main road and bought a solar power. It was the only clinic in her district. She was able to attract more women to help in giving them the health assistance they need. Also, Aalya increased her business line and added more value to her service by providing first aid services, and even women cosmetics. Aalya not only devoted her life to helping people, she even convinced her parents to stay for late shifts to help women over night too. Aalya provided jobs, she hired her brother to help her in the clinic dealing with male patients, which expanded her target people. Both her and her brother paid off the debt they had, because of the noticable increased income. Well done Aalya.