I am young, but a business woman!

Enas Hamid Al-Muliki is 22 years old. Enas studied business administration at the University of Science and Technology in Sana’a. She joined Mobadara program in 2014, when she graduated. Mobadara explained even further terms she studied during her college life. She was able to understand planning and management better. Enas opened her own business, which was an advertising and promotion store. Her store name was “Third Apple”. Enas was able to open her store with the help of Mobarda, they were able to fund her with 5,000Y$ as a start. Her store still exists even through the current situations the country is going through. She gets a total monthly revenue of 600,000 riyals and a net profit of 400.000 riyals. She has 4 official employees to help managing the store and customer’s needs, 3 males and 1 female. She gives them a salary of 40,000YER a month.
Although Enas started her own business at a young age, she was able to transform all what she was taught in Mobadara to real life activities. She is an independent woman now, giving back to the society rather than just staying home. Enas’s family are so proud of her.