Wilm Art

Majed Ali Abdo is 27 years old. He studied mechanical engineering at the University of Aden. Majed joined Mubadara program in the year of his graduation in 2014. He gained many new skills in project management, planning and the art of dealing with others. He decided to prepare a plan for his project, “Wim Art”. Wilm Art is a photography and design store. Mubadara has been funded by $5,000 and helped him making it a successful business. His project is still ongoing making good profit. Wilm Art has a capital of 1.800.000 riyals. The total monthly revenue is SR 200,000 and the net profit is SR 100,000. His store works throughout the year with 3 official employees, 1 male and 2 females with an average salary of 15,000 and 3 temporary employees. 1 male and 2 females with an average monthly salary of SR 45,000.
Mubadara helped him think in a business mind, to actually make his ideas into real projects. He is so proud of his achievement so far and looks forward to improve his offered services even more.