Supporting Cultural Heritage
In Cultural Heritage Sector-UNESCO The state of emergency in Yemen due to the conflict since 2015 has severely affected Yemen's unique cultural heritage. Historic and archaeological sites were often the victims of collateral damage from military operations, especially aerial bombardment. The conflict has affected young people in general and in particular on young people working in the cultural heritage sector in terms of losing a lot of their jobs, affecting their livelihoods, and high unemployment rates among them, which restricted youth and their families' access to education and other basic services such as food, health care and education. In this context, UNESCO, with the support of the European Union, launched a new project entitled: “Cash for work: to enhance livelihood opportunities for urban youth in Yemen”. The main objective of the project is to enhance livelihood opportunities for young people in Yemen by preserving and restoring cultural heritage while contributing to social cohesion and peace. It will do so by increasing income-generating opportunities for Yemeni youth in cultural activities and archaeology in the old cities of Sana'a, Shibam, Zabid and the urban center in Aden; Contribute to preserving the integrity and restoration of the historical urban environment, and enhancing the participation and effectiveness of civil society organizations in the management and sustainable development of community assets, cultural and human resources. Thanks to the project, it is expected that around 6,553 working days will be created for 212 beneficiaries. The objective of the project (PDO) is to develop cultural programs and income-generating capabilities of selected Yemeni civil society organizations in order to improve the livelihoods of young artists and cultural professionals, with the aim of enhancing the resilience of the creative sector in Yemen.
Creating job opportunities through activities in the cultural heritage and training Yemeni youth, which will also lead to preserving the cultural heritage of the cities of Sana'a, Shibam, Zabid and Aden.
Increasing awareness of the importance of preserving heritage and promoting cultural expressions in Yemen