Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY)

(October 2021 - May 2023)
This project aims to promote inclusive and equitable economic growth for the targeted MSMEs through following a value chain development approach, and in promoting food security, access to health, income generation and job creation in the above-mentioned value chains. It seeks to ensure the poor and low-income families, and MSMEs in targeted areas involved in the selected value chains participate and benefit for the economic empowerment and growth. In particular, the project will support the MSMEs through meeting their immediate needs in the short and immediate term while linking longer term resilience building efforts for these value chains. This will be done through implementing financial block grants interventions that serve as a rapid response; providing households and communities affected by the conflict with technical skills and financial support to utilize resources better and procure necessary assets to make value chains more productive.
This project proposes activities that will strongly synergize the work of SMEPS, building on the lessons learnt and successfully implemented programs during the conflict period including the Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Program (YECRP) and the Business Resilience for Value Added Enterprises Program (BRAVE). Both programs worked in the conflict using innovative approaches to bridge the humanitarian-development nexus, in supporting several ‘pockets’ of the population to adapt to the shocks of the crisis through resilience building activities. The project will implement interventions with viable solutions to poverty alleviation & employment by targeting the same areas to ensure maximum impacts. In addition, seven value chain studies will be conducted in different sectors supporting to deeply study sectors gaps, needs and opportunities that can help to enhance sectors value chain.
- Targeted Governorates
- Aden, Hadhramaut, Sana’a, and Al Hudaydah
- Sectors
- Agriculture (Henna, Dates, Grapes), Livestock, Fish, Honey, Garment, Coffee, health
- Planned Beneficiaries to Target
- Smallholder producers 1,500
- SMEs 400
- Lead firms & Business Associations: 20
- Total 1,920
- Project Value $8,970,000