Like branches on trees, we grow in different directions but our roots remain one
Improving Livelihoods.. Improving Lives
The gentle hands that welcomes you to this life, Your first superhero ..

We Support

Beneficiaries through cash transfer programs and matching grants for companies, or providing the equipment needed to support continuity and growth. These companies often provide basic and vital services such as health services and food.


We Empower

Beneficiaries to be solution makers, to take initiative and make decisions. Share rewards, motivation and strength with the community so they can improve service and performance


We Train

People to improve their performance and help them achieve the required level of knowledge and skills. The training improves their understanding of developing their business and ideas






During the conflict that began in Yemen since 2015, SMEPS was flexible and adaptable to successive crises, but it remained strong in its mission to be a tributary of development in Yemen by supporting existing small and smaller projects to remain resilient and continue to survive and grow. SMEPS has found innovative and effective ways to deal with and respond to field requirements by designing programs and projects that provide immediate assistance while providing long-term sustainable solutions aimed primarily at supporting Yemenis in obtaining a source of living with dignity.


(2022 - 2025)

The SFISH project aims to improve the productivity and resilience in Fish value chain with the goal of creating job opportunities, improving livelihoods and food security, and household nutrition. This will be done by providing direct technical and financial support to MSMEs, business cooperative associations and lead firms in critical fisheries sectors to sustain their impact in sustaining demand of products and services in the sector through technical support, institutional strengthening, risk management, financial & administrative support, business advisory & consultancy services, business continuity management & asset transfers. Provided support will help restore the ability of the target MSMEs, Business Associations and Lead Firms to increase productivity, production, generate income, and create jobs, while increasing the supply and access to basic food commodities in the targeted communities.


Targeted Governorates

  • Al Mahra, Aden, Hadramaut and Taiz


Planned Beneficiaries to Target

  • Smallholder producers                               1,500
  • MSMEs (Youth & Women)                         1,200
  • SMEs                                                              3,880
  • Fish Cooperative                                          5
  • Lead firms                                                     5
  •  Total                                                              5,115


Project Value                                    $ 28,475,000

The Sustainable Fisheries Development in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (SFISH)

(2022 - 2024)

The project aims to serve as a scalable platform that offers a combination of complementary short-term and medium-term activities to strengthen food security in Yemen, as well as flexibility for adjustment to the evolving food security situation going forward. The project focuses on building the resilience of Yemeni households to food security crises and improving household food security and nutrition by increasing food availability, access and utilization in the project areas. The project components will be closely coordinated in the project areas to achieve the project outcomes. SMEPS will implement the related activities under increasing production and sale of nutritious products (livestock/dairy, horticulture, Farmer's organizations' groups, food processing, fisheries and Fisheries cooperatives) through an innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach. This will be achieved by building the capacity of project beneficiaries to adopt the most suitable practices and new technologies to their production systems. To ensure high technical performance, FAO will build the capacities of the selected field technical teams in the targeted Governorates.


Targeted Governorates

Taiz, Sana’a, Al-Hudaydah, Dhamar, Abyan, Lahj


  • Food Processing, Livestock, Agriculture, Fish

Planned Beneficiaries to Target

  • Small Women Dairy Groups                    33  (5 members)
  • Pioneer Women Dairy Groups               40 (10 members)
  • Collecting Centers                                     7  (20 members)
  • Seedling Centers                                       7  (20 members)
  • Agro-Processing Women Groups          40 (15 members)
  • Fisheries Cooperatives                            6 (50 fisher)
  • Total                                                      133 (1,745 members)


Project Value                                    $ 512,645.03

Yemen Food Security Response and Resilience Project (FSRRP)

(January 2019 - April 2022)

This particular project was designed first as a pilot intervention with the World Food Programme, (WFP), on moving towards more livelihoods support and compliment the humanitarian efforts to tackling food security crisis. The main aim of the project was to support communities in the targeted areas to increase food production, strengthen household access to food security and increase household food consumption. It targeted women livestock breeders, large ruminant holders to increase production of milk and other dairy products. Women were provided with the needed skills and training on proper breeding methods, proper methods of producing dairy products and access to markets for buying inputs and selling their products, increasing their community presence and participation. In addition, the project provided short-term job opportunities to men and women in the targeted areas to improve household incomes through food for assets, (cash transfers), on building and rehabilitating community assets to restore agricultural land, increase soil and water availability, enhance food productivity.


As a result of the project 1st phase achievements, the project has been scaled up, targeting new sectors and new areas to improve smallholder producers’ livelihoods in vital economic sectors and to support their recovery after years of conflict. The project delivered the benefits to the wider community by increasing household production, productivity and income, and improving the quality of products and services available to them.


  • Targeted Governorates
  • Sanaa, Al-Mahaweet, Taiz, Ibb, Hadhramout, Lahj
  • Sectors
  • Agriculture, Livestock, Fish, Food for Assets (FFA)
  • Beneficiaries
  • Farmers                               407
  • Fishers                                 400
  • Livestock breeders              953
  • Community workers            5,591
  • Total                                    7,351


  • Project Value:                       $6,000,830
Emergency Livelihoods Support – Phase 1, 2