LEAP Project
(January 2019 - March 2019)
The “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP) – Yemen programme” aims to achieve the overall outcome of “Economic opportunities and positive coping mechanisms for marginalized women and girls affected by protracted and slow onset crises.” Throughout the project activities, the women affected by conflict will be supported with access to skills, assets, training and income generating opportunities to improve their coping mechanisms and contribute to individual and community resilience. Targeted beneficiaries will be provided with business start-up packages, including productive assets linked to micro-grant services.
- Targeted Governorates
- Aden – Hodiedah – Ibb – Sanaa – Hadramout
- Sectors
- Various sectors
- Beneficiaries
- Skills development IDPs and marginalized women 196
Project Value: $64,400