Emergency Resilience Grants Project (ERG) under YECRP Programme - Phase 1, 2 & 3

Emergency Resilience Grants Project (ERG) under YECRP Programme - Phase 1, 2 & 3


(Starting Date: January 2017 - End Date: March, 2022)

The Emergency Resilience Grants Project was designed to support rural small holder producers in agriculture, breeding and fisheries sectors with the main aim of tackling community food security crisis through increasing food production in a sustainable manner, restoring the livelihoods of micro producers, strengthen their resilience to continue food production; hence supporting household access to food security and other basic services. 

In its first phase, the project targeted farmers, piloting the markets for the poor approach by involving different market players and stakeholders to support crowding in and replication. The phase was successful as we saw an expansion of over 40% and a replication ratio of 1:3. However, gender aspects were weaker hence involving the livestock sector which prominently targets women beneficiaries.

With these lessons in mind, we expanded our phases to target more sectors, attempt a gender balance that reached 30% women beneficiaries and informed the design of other projects. These projects were designed to build the human capital of rural micro producers through strengthening their capacities and skills by 1) Providing them with technical capacity to use modern technologies in farming hence reducing operational costs, increasing productivity, incomes and creating job opportunities, whilst driving behavioral changes. The project also provided the micro producers with resilience financial grants to procure productive assets to continue operations, strengthen their linkages with markets and with micro finance institutes.






  • Agriculture
  • Livestock
  • Fish
  • Honey



  • Farmers:                          4,803
  • Livestock Breeders:          1,243
  • Fishers:                            607
  • Honey Beekeepers:           898
  • Total:                               7,551 
