Cash for Work: Promoting livelihood opportunities for Urban Youth in Yemen – Phase 1 & 2

(October 2020 - August 2022)
This project was developed with the aim to enhance livelihood opportunities for urban youth in the Creative Industries. It also aims to promote both social engagement and a wider understanding of the key role that Yemen’s diverse cultural heritage that can play as a valuable contributor to economic growth, stimulating tourism for post conflict and creating jobs. This can be achieved through building the capacity of national institutions, empowering civil society organizations working in the culture & heritage sector and supporting them with small grants scheme to build youth skills and encourages them to establish their creative businesses. The project encourages human capital investments in the heritage sector specifically for youth entrepreneurs for resilience, recovery & peace building where they can diversify their livelihoods and create jobs.
- Targeted Governorates
- Sana’a, Zabid, Aden & Shibam
- Sectors
- Creative industries (Art, Storytelling, Poetry, Film-making, Manuscripts, Handicrafts & Architecture)
- Beneficiaries
- CSO’s supported: 13
- Young artists and cultural professionals supported by the CSOs: 406
- Project’s Value: $791,036